
Studio-Online respects the privacy of those who visit its website. This privacy statement pertains to all people who make use of Studio-Online’s services.
1. Contact details Studio-Online B.V. / Address: Cruquiusweg 98 P, 1019AJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Phone number: +31 (0)20-2442540 / Email address:

2. Purposes and legal grounds of data processing Some of the data we use is necessary for functional purposes, such as to draw up invoices after you make use of our services. As such, the legal grounds for said purposes is that of them being ‘necessary for the execution of a contractual agreement’, as listed by the Dutch Data Protection Agency. Any other personal details are only ever collected if permission to do so has been granted through the relevant person accepting our website’s cookie alert. The resulting personal details are used for marketing purposes (if customers choose to sign up for such purposes) and strategic purposes (improving our services and our website). We will never provide your personal details to third parties without your prior permission, unless we are legally required to do so. Below is a more elaborate list of which personal details we collect, and which purposes we use those for, exactly.

  • 2.1 Analytics To be able to improve our website, Studio-Online uses Google Analytics as a measuring tool. The statistics generated by Google Analytics are anonymous and thus cannot be traced back to you as an individual. We use these statistics solely to discover if there are any trends.
  • 2.2 Forms Our website contains a number of different forms for you to use to request certain information quickly. We treat any personal details you enter with the utmost care and will only ever use your data for the purpose indicated with that particular form. If you send us an email requesting information, we will once again treat your personal information with the utmost care and only ever use it for the purpose of responding to your query.
  • 2.3 Email newsletter Our website also allows you to sign up for Studio-Online’s free newsletter. To do so, you are required to enter your name and email address. These will only ever be used for the purpose of addressing and sending the above-mentioned newsletters. Every newsletter will contain a personalised ‘unsubscribe’ link that you can use to immediately unsubscribe to our newsletter for the future. To send our newsletters, we use the MailChimp email services, with whom we have entered into an agreement dictating that they must uphold the provisions for data processors contained in the GDPR.
  • 2.4 Registration and orders To place an order on our website, you are required to enter some personal details. Said details are stored in encrypted format on a secure server in a data centre.
  • 2.5. HotJar This programme is used to look at website visitors’ browsing behaviour, without collecting any personal details. We do so to gain insight into our visitors’ behaviour on our website and any issues they may encounter. We can then use these insights to make improvements.

3. Cookies This website also uses a number of cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is submitted by several of the pages on this website and then stored on your hard drive by your browser. The information collected by the cookie is then sent back to our servers the next time you visit our website. We use cookies for the purposes outlined in item 2, as well as for maintaining our website’s proper functionality.

4. Categories of parties who are given access to personal details of Studio-Online customers Studio-Online uses a payment application for processing payment details. Studio-Online also uses a mailing programme to process email addresses and send emails. Additionally, Studio-Online collaborates with partner companies in India and Cambodia, to whom we outsource work on anonymised images for certain orders.

5. Storage terms Studio-Online stores personal details for a maximum duration of 1 year, and images that are submitted to us for a maximum duration of 6 months. Any personal details that are entered by users into their online profiles stay up on said profiles until the relevant users remove or change them. HotJar, Google Analytics and MailChimp data is stored in accordance with the legally prescribed storage terms. If you would like us to delete any such details, you can request that we do so via email or contact these companies directly. All payment/invoicing details are stored in accordance with the legally prescribed terms.

6. Rights of parties involved As a customer of Studio-Online, you have the following privacy rights:

  • The right to data portability
  • The right to data erasure
  • The right of access to any of your personal details that have been processed
  • The right to have your personal details deleted, modified or supplemented
  • The right to human intervention in decision-making
  • The right to object
  • The right to clear information regarding what your personal details are used for

7. Obligation to share personal details In order for us to execute our agreements, the moment you purchase a product or service, you are required to provide a number of personal details. If you want to receive our newsletter, you are required to grant us permission to send it to you, as well as provide us with your email address.

8. Automated decision-making The moment that a customer finalises their payment for an order, said order is accepted via an automated decision-making process. Customers can also sign up for our newsletter, or other mailings, via our website. Their email data is then automatically recorded in the mailing programme we use, and is stored there until they unsubscribe to the newsletter/mailings.

9. Question/Complaints If you have any questions about Studio-Online’s privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.